Архив за год 2015


Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest 2015


Deadline: 15 June 2015
Open to: young people from all over the world
Prize: 1st Prize 100,000 Yen (approx. US$840) and an invitation for a ceremony in Tokyo

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Free Online Courses by Coursera

Free Online Course

Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics

Everywhere, every day, everybody uses language. There is no human society, no matter how small or how isolated, which does not employ a language that is rich and diverse. This course introduces you to linguistics, featuring interviews with well-known linguists and with speakers of many different languages. Join us to explore the miracles of human language!

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Уразбаев Ҳ.И.

Гулистон давлат университети

         Ўзбекистон Республикасининг иқтисодиёти ва жаҳон ҳамжамияти учун хос бўлган халқаро алоқалари кўламининг кенгайиши, иқтисодиётнинг глобаллашуви олий таълим муассасалари битирувчиларидан, яъни олий маълумот эга мутахассислардан хорижий тилда эркин мулоқот қила олиш кўникма ва малакаларининг мавжудлигини талаб қилмоқда. Инглиз тилида халқаро алоқаларни, ҳалқаро мулоқотни муваффақиятли амалга ошира биладиган, ундан касбий мулоқот воситаси сифатида фойдалана оладиган мутахассисларни тайёрлаш жаҳон меҳнат бозорида биз тайёрлаган мутахассисларнинг рақобатбардошлигини таъминлабгина қолмай, уларга яхши ишларга жойлашиш имкониятларини очиб беради ва касбий ҳамда шахсий ривожланиш истиқболларини кафолатлайди.

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Sarah Findlater. Five top technology tools for the English classroom

Whether you’re a seasoned techy or terrified by Google, here are five useful educational tools to help students learn and teachers manage their workload. There are many educational technology tools available to use in your English classroom – and they’re increasing at a rapid rate.

Whether you’re a seasoned tech classroom user or new to the idea, below are a few handy tools for you to get your teeth into. It’s not an extensive list but these five are easy to use and a good introduction to what’s available. If you have any other suggestions, please do share them in the comments section below.

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S. Baratova. Teaching Culture through Authentic Materials: Evaluating the Efficiency

Teaching Culture through Authentic Materials: Evaluating the Efficiency

Svetlana Baratova

Gulistan State University

 Research Question

The primary question of the research was “Whether authentic materials prove to be more efficient while used within project works in teaching culture?”

In Introduction to Project Work (1992) by Tom Hutchinson, specifics of project working are described. A project is a result of hard work, because the authors have to find information for their project, get pictures or draw some, make a draft containing their ideas, then put everything together and complete the text, the result of which is a presentation.

A project is an extended piece of work on a particular topic where the content and the presentation are determined principally by the learners.”[1]

The teacher can provide the topic, but the authors decide themselves what exactly are they going to write and how will they present it.

Because a project is a creative task, it is also personal.

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Kh.Urazbaev, N.S. Babakhanova. Evaluating the Efficiency of Language TV Shows in Learning the English Language

Kh.Urazbaev, N.S. Babakhanova

 Evaluating the Efficiency of Language TV Shows in Learning the English Language


Brief Background of the Study: Great attention to learning and teaching English is being paid in our country. The declaration of decree # 1875 by the President Islam Karimov became the cornerstone for the people working in this area. The document covers all the areas of foreign language learning and teaching. One of the most important points underlined in the decree is a special attention to the role of TV companies and channels in fostering learning foreign languages.

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