
Scenario of Extracurricular Activity Dedicated to Mother’s Day

Dedicated to Women Teachers

ONALAR KUNI (Mothers’ Day)

Maqsad: she’rlarni ifodali o’qish ko’nikmalarini rivojlantirish, monologik nutqni o’strishi, chet tilini o’rganishga bo’lgan qiziqishni orttirish.

Kerakli jihozlar: bolalar tayyorlagan rasmlar (onalar, opa-singillar, buvilar portretlari); gullar, pufaklar, “Qaera u?” o’yini uchun o’yinchoq hayvonlar.


(O’qituvchi bolalarni va ota-onalarini olqishlaydi va bolalarga o’tkaziladigan tadbir 8 mart – Xotin qizlar bayramiga bag’ishlanishini aytadi. O’quvchilar xonani pufaklar, gullar va rasmlar bilan bezatishadi. O’quvchilar navbat bilan she’rlar aytadi va qo’shiq kuylashadi. Uzun she’rlarni o’quvchilar 4 misradan yod olishadi. Badiiy chiqishlar ijro etilgandan keyin o’qituvchi o’quvchilar va ularning ota-onalari ishtirokida o’yinlar tashkil qiladi.)


-You have learnt some poems, Let’s listen to you. Who will start?

My mother

Who said «Goodnight»,

When I was a child?

My mother.

Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay

And showed me often how to play?

My mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell

And who could funny stories tell?

My mother.

Who sits at my head when I am in bed?

My mother.

Who is so nice, who is so kind,

Another so dear you’ll never find?

My mother.


A mother has so many things to do,

From washing, ironing, cleaning to tying a shoe.

When they forget to wash their faces clean,

And their clothes are the muddiest you’ve ever seen,

Who repairs the clothes and scrubs them like new?

Of course, that is what a Mother will do.

Who becomes a doctor or the nurse when they are ill,

Applying a bandage or giving them a pill?

Who becomes a detective to find a toy or a book?

For missing things she must look and look.

Who becomes a listener to every broken heart,

To every accomplishment that a child makes?

Who scolds their children when they are naughty

Or reminds them of God when they are too haughty?

Who tends her family with love and patience, too?

Of course that is what a Mother will do.

(By Jeff Greener)

— I think you love your mothers very much. It’s time to listen to your stories about your mothers.

(O’qituvchi o’quvchilarga o’zlarining onalari haqidagi hikoyalarini aytib berishni taklif qiladi. Doskada bolalar tayyorlagan onalar rasmlari osib qo’yiladi.)

Namuna  hikoya:

My mother is a nice woman. Her name is Anna Ivanovna. She is 30 years old. She is a doctor. My mother has blue eyes, black hair and a red mouth. She is not tall. My mother is thin. She is a beautiful woman. My mother is kind and clever. She is my best friend. She tells me funny stories and read a book every evening. I love my mother very much.

Goodnight, Father!

Goodnight, Mother!

Kiss your little son! ,

Goodnight, sister!

Goodnight, brother!

Goodnight, everyone!

— You can recite the poems very well. Do you know any songs about the holiday? Let’s sing it all together. Uchahiesya xorom ispolnyayut pesnyu, posvyahennuyu prazdniku.


My Dear Mummy


My dear, dear mummy!

I love you so much.

I want you to be happy

On the eighth of March.

Be happy, be happy

On the eighth of March,

Be happy, be happy

On the eighth of March.


—         When do you usually get up? Do you like to go to school?

—         Now let’s find out if Kate likes to go to school or not.

(Sahnaga ikki qiz o’quvchi chiqib «Sleepy Kate» sahna ko’rinishini namoyish qilishadi.)


Dear Kate! Don’t be late! Wake up!

It’s seven o’clock sharp!


Oh, Mummy, dear! I can hardly hear what you say.

Please let me stay in my bed.

I’m a sleepy head.


Sleepy Kate! You are late!

Get up! It’s eight o’clock sharp!


Oh, Mummy, please, leave me in peace.

My eyes are shut. I can’t get up.


Lazy Kate! I can’t wait!

Please get up! It’s nine o’clock sharp!


It’s Monday today. Such a difficult day!

I’m so stressed and a bit depressed,

And I need some rest to be at my best.


Shameless Kate! Listen what I say!

It’s nearly nine and a quarter!

I’ll bring a bucket of water and pour it out of pail

As all my words and actions fail.


Please, don’t, don’t, don’t!

It’s time for me to go.

—         Our boys and girls like to play. Now we shall play different games and your mothers and fathers will take part in them.

O’qituvchi o’quvchilar va ularning ota-onalari ishtirokida “Qaerda u?” o’yinini o’tkazadi.

(Ishtirokchi (o’quvchilardan biri) eshikdan tashqariga chiqadi. Bu vaqtda uning onasi xonadagi biron buyumni yashiradi. Ishtirokchi xonaga qaytib kirganida qolgan o’quvchilar unga ingliz tilida ko’rsatmalar berib, yashirilgan buyumni topishga yordam berishadi.)

“Biz sizga aytamiz va ko’rsatamiz” o’yini

Ota-onalar va bolalar o’qituvchi atrofida aylana bo’lib turishadi. Qatnashchilar o’zlari bajaradigan so’z va harakatlarga kelishib olishadi. Har bir so’zga biron bir harakat to’g’ri keladi.

Misol uchun:

Hello! – o’yin qatnashchilari o’tirib olishadi.

One – soat millariga qarshi aylanishadi.

Two – soat millari bo’yicha aylanishadi.

Good-bye! – qo’llarini yuqoriga ko’tarishadi.

“Nima o’zgardi?” o’yini

O’yin qatnashchilari aylana bo’lib o’tirishadi. O’yinni olib boruvchi xonadan chiqadi. Bu vaqtda qolgan ishtirokchilar joylarini almashib oladi. O’yinni olib boruvchi xonaga qaytib kiradi, qolganlar bo’lsa, jo’r bo’lib, “Who is out?” deb savol berishadi.

Xonaga qaytib kirgan ishtirokchi hammani joy joyiga qatarib o’tqazishi kerak.

— Thank you for your poems and songs, my dear children. I hope that your relatives liked our concert very much. I want you and your mothers to be happy and healthy. See you next week. Good-bye, boys and girls.

Posted by: Khikmatullo I. Urazbaev (Sirdarya)

Пока лишь 1 комментарий

OybekДата:4:30 пп - Июн 14, 2014

Thank you, Khikmatullo aka, it’s a pity that only today I discovered this site!

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